Monday, January 25, 2010

Raja Petra

Raja Petra started the Malaysia Today website and his blog to facilitate open discussion on Malaysia's political and social scenes. In his online writings, he is often very witty, humorous and sometimes critical of the current political developments in Malaysia. In his Malaysia Today's columns, he advocates for transparency, accountability and justice in the Malaysian political system. He often denounces money politics, corruption, and ethnic polarisation that is deeply rooted in Malaysian society.

On July 2, 2008, Malaysia Today was defaced by a person known only as "Gasakdotnet", replacing the website with a superimposition of Mahathir Mohammad's face into the poster of the film We Were Soldiers accompanied by the tagline "My Countrymen, My Fellow Malaysian.", alluding to Mahathir's "battle" for Malaysia as the Prime Minister from 1981 to 2003.Poor Internet connectivity affecting several areas in Malaysia hampered efforts to restore the website promptly.

July 2008, Recent weeks Malaysia Today have been badly blocked (of its IP) or Hacked to prevent readers to view the information. Although the website IP have been changed frequently. But it seems there are no improvement for a smooth viewing of Malaysia Today. Malaysia Today 26 August 2008, left relaunched a new website Harapan Malaysia to continue the fight.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Coulomb's & gauss's

The difference between Coulomb's Law and Gauss's Law is just like figuring out the amount of money in a bank..Gauss's Law is like let say if you want to know the sum of money in a bank but if you want to know the amount of money for each person in the bank, then use Coulomb's..

Business means??

Business is a legally recognized organization designed to provide goods and/or services to consumers.Businesses are predominant in capitalist economies, most being privately owned and formed to earn profit that will increase the wealth of its owners and grow the business itself. The owners and operators of a business have as one of their main objectives the receipt or generation of a financial return in exchange for work and acceptance of risk. Notable exceptions include cooperative enterprises and state-owned enterprises. Businesses can also be formed not-for-profit or be state-owned.

The etymology of "business" relates to the state of being busy either as an individual or society as a whole, doing commercially viable and profitable work. The term "business" has at least three usages, depending on the scope.
The singular usage to mean a particular company or corporation, the generalized usage to refer to a particular market sector, such as "the music business" and compound forms such as agribusiness, or the broadest meaning to include all activity by the community of suppliers of goods and services. However, the exact definition of business, like much else in the philosophy of business, is a matter of debate and complexity of meanings.